A major advantage of aluminium is that it is 100% recyclable – there is a definite shift towards aluminium as a more sustainable form of packaging.
Ashfield is committed to the environment. We are accredited to ISO 14001: 2015 which requires us to not only manage our own environmental standards but to take the environment into account when dealing with external parties: suppliers and sub-contractors etc. We do not offshore our environmental impacts to low-cost economies.
Our solvent degreasing machines use active carbon stacks to capture solvent fumes and return to the machine, so reducing solvent usage and stack emissions to a minimum.
We are committed to waste reduction, recycling and energy saving.
Successful environmental improvements include:
- solar panel installation
- LED lighting throughout the factory
- PCR (Post Consumer Recycled) material offered where appropriate to the application
- recycled cardboard packaging
- re-usable packaging
- re-usable cleaning cloths in production environments
- use of process heat to heat factory
- low energy AC motors
- coolant mist extraction and reclaim on cnc machines
energy efficient heating systems
- heat loss reducing airlock
- modernised heating hardware
- stratification fans to push hot air down from ceiling
- evaporative cooling for employee welfare
- carbon capture on solvent degreasing machines